Tina Hsu, MD
MD, FRCPC, Assistant Professor, Division of Medical Oncology, University of Ottawa
Tina Hsu is a medical oncologist at the Ottawa Hospital Cancer Centre. She completed a CAMO/CIHR-funded research fellowship in geriatric oncology under the mentorship of Dr. Arti Hurria at City of Hope where she studied caregivers of older adults with cancer admitted to hospital. She is a past member of the Education Committee within the International Society of Geriatric Oncology (SIOG) and is interested in developing curriculum to educate oncologists, geriatricians, and Allied Health workers in geriatric-oncology. She is involved in developing the Canadian Network for Aging and Cancer, a grass roots initiative to connect clinicians, researchers and educators across Canada interested in geriatric oncology which aims to improve health outcomes for older adults with cancer in Canada.