Paulina Bajsarowicz, MD
MD, FRCPC, Assistant Professor McGill University, Geriatric Psychiatrist, Douglas Mental Health University Institute
Dr. Paulina Bajsarowicz is a psychiatrist practicing at the Douglas Mental Health University Institute.
She works in the department of geriatric psychiatry, mainly in the outpatient clinic, memory clinic, and as a nursing home consultant. She also has an interest in cognitive behavioral therapy.
Dr. Bajsarowicz completed the Statewide Geriatric Psychiatry Fellowship Program through Columbia University and the Stroud Center for the Study of Quality of Life in 2013. Her training in general psychiatry was done at McGill University after graduating from the University of Laval Faculty of Medicine. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Occupational Therapy from the University of Ottawa.
She is an Assistant Professor at McGill University, a member of the resident selection committee and the clerkship site director at the Douglas Institute.