Michael R. Pinsky, MD
MD, CM, Dr hc, FCCP, MCCM, FAPS, Professor of Critical Care Medicine, Bioengineering, Cardiovascular Diseases, Clinical & Translational Sciences, and Anesthesiology, University of Pittsburgh.
Dr. Pinsky is Docteur Honoris Causa at the Universite Rene Descartes Paris V, School of Medicine in Paris, France. He is currently an Attending Physician Emeritus at Presbyterian and Magee Hospitals UPMC as well as a faculty member of the Center for Critical Care Nephrology at Pitt.
Dr. Pinsky received his MD from McGill University in1974. He completed his post-graduate internal medicine residency training and pulmonary fellowship training at Stanford University, Stanford, California; Orlando Regional Medical Center, Orlando, Florida; and advanced physiological training at Johns Hopkins Medical Institutes, Baltimore, Maryland.
Currently, Dr. Pinsky serves as the Principal Investigator of two R01 “Using biological time series analysis to identify cardiorespiratory insufficiency” in ICU patients (MLADI) and during emergency air transport (ADMIT), and Co-Principal Investigator of another R01 on “Predicting patient instability noninvasively for nursing care (PPINNC)” and scientific PI on a DoD contract “Trauma Care in A Rucksack” (TRACIR). He is also a Co-I on a related R01 on assessing instability in patients during surgery (MLORD). He has been the Director of the Cardiopulmonary Research Laboratory for the past 39 years. Dr. Pinsky was the program director for an NIH National Research Service Award entitled “Experimental Therapeutics in Critical Illness”, a program he directed for 20 years. He was part of the inaugural group to receive Masters of Critical Care Medicine (MCCM) from the SCCM, part of the first North Americans to receive “Honorary membership” in ESICM and is a Fellow of the American Physiological Society and the American College of Chest Physicians.
Dr. Pinsky has edited 27 Medical Textbooks, authored >400 peer-reviewed publications, >250 chapters and supported >450 abstract presentations. Dr. Pinsky is the Editor-in-Chief of MedScape’s Critical Care Medicine section. Dr. Pinsky is on the editorial boards of the Critical Care, Journal of Critical Care, Current Opinion in Critical Care, the International Journal of Critical Care, the Annals of Critical Care, and Intensive Care Medicine. He is an ad hoc reviewer for NHLBI K and R awards annually. He also provides journal referring for numerous publications.
View a list of Dr. Pinsky’s publications here.