Jean Bourbeau, MD
Dr. Bourbeau is Professor with distinguished Scientist Award in the Department of Medicine and Associate Member of the Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health at McGill University’s Faculty of Medicine. He is a Respirologist at the Montreal Chest Institute of the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC) and the Director of the Center of Innovative Medicine at the Research Institute of the MUHC. He is past president of the Canadian Thoracic Society and member of the Scientific Committee Global Initiative for COPD (GOLD).
Recognized as a world researcher and leader in COPD, his areas of expertise lie in COPD, rehabilitation, disease and self-management (Living Well with COPD — livingwellwithcopd.com), health and behaviour, and clinical evaluative research.
His research leadership, for COPD, can be seen in his publication record, papers, reviews and chapters. His research includes the large epidemiological study the Canadian Cohort Obstructive Lung Disease “CanCOLD”, which he is leading since 2009, and considered to be the first population-derived COPD cohort for characterizing disease progression from mild through more advanced disease, and new approaches in disease management, the self-management program ‘Living Well With COPD’ that has had impact in clinical practice and patient education.
Dr. Bourbeau was elected to fellowship in the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences (FCAHS) (2021), awarded-winning of the Canadian Thoracic Society “CTS Distinguished Achievement Award 2017” and “Distinguished CHEST Educator 2017 to 2021”, and nominated to give the Thomas L Petty Master FCCP Endowed Memorial Lecture (American College of Chest Physicians)(2021).